Thrive Bristol
‘Thrive Bristol’ is our city’s ten year programme to improve mental health and wellbeing. It is focusing on how different parts of our city – such as our communities, our places of education and work, and our homes, can keep us mentally healthy, recognising that as little as 10% of our population’s health and wellbeing can be linked to access to healthcare.
The new Thrive at Work West of England programme to support mental health and wellbeing for businesses and staff is now available (see news section).

Approximately 1 in 4 people in the UK will experience a mental health problem each year1
In England, 1 in 6 people report experiencing a common mental health problem (such as anxiety and depression) in any given week2

20% of Bristol residents reported ‘below average mental wellbeing’ in 2018/193
50,287 Bristol patients aged 18 and over had depression recorded on GP practice disease registers in 2018/194

What are we doing?
Because people in Bristol have higher levels of poor mental health than the England average, this programme’s all-age approach has been established in response to this. It enables support for everyone in the city, with a focus on those with the greatest needs. We are testing new approaches to better understand what improves our wellbeing, to spread improvement across Bristol and beyond.
Thrive Bristol is being led by our partners – including our teachers, employers and voluntary sector – in collaboration with Bristol’s Public Health team. Together we are working to tackle stigma and discrimination and create a mentally healthy and thriving city.

Contact us:
If you would like to find out more about improving mental health and wellbeing in Bristol, or to get involved. Email:
If you would like some support for your own mental health
Thrive Bristol does not provide mental health services – this is offered locally by the NHS and their partners. Information about local provision is available at Bristol Mental Health
Other useful links:
Heads Together