Thrive Training and Skills

Jigsaw pieces of a head

We want to create a city free from mental health discrimination, with an inclusive culture where conversations about mental health are encouraged and people are well supported.

Mental Health Training

  • We are rolling out mental health and suicide prevention training at scale. Over the decade – between 2018 and 2028.
  • We have an ambitious target for 1 in 5 people in Bristol to have had access to this training.
  • We are focusing this training on those who have front line roles and may need these skills to support those they work with.
  • Through this programme, we want to offer training to everyone working in Bristol to help them to offer a compassionate and informed response to members of the public and their colleagues – including training people working in our libraries, hairdressers and barber shops, and those driving our buses and taxis.
  • We are currently commissioning Mental Health First Aid and Connect 5 training to increase people’s confidence and skills in supporting people experiencing mental health difficulties, and to increase their mental wellbeing.
  • We are commissioning ASIST and SafeTALK as part of our suicide prevention efforts.

Zero Suicide City

  • Bristol has recently become a ‘Zero Suicide’ city and we are encouraging everyone to undertake the Zero Suicide Alliance’s free, online training here.
  • We are working with employers roll this training out at scale across Bristol to ensure that all of us have the skills to support someone when they most need it.
Zero Suicide Alliance logo

Contact us:

If you are interested in receiving Mental Health training, please register your interest by emailing

If you would like some support for your own mental health

Thrive Bristol does not provide mental health services – this is offered locally by the NHS and their partners. Information about local provision is available at Bristol Mental Health